hej, hej, I'm back.
I will get back to the cronological storytelling, but first I must tell you about the most important activity in Sweden. Fika!
If you are going out for the day, you must first plan where you will stop for fika. If you are going somewhere where no convenient fika stop exists, you must bring it with you.
You have förmiddags fika and eftemiddags fika. Let me translate.
You get in the car or walk to town, or whatever and then around 10:00( förmiddags fika)you must stop and fika. You have coffee or tea with something light to eat. Usually the konditori have many lovely cakes, cookies, pastries, or light sandwich choices. You sit and chat and relax for a bit, then you continue on. Klockan 12:00 or 13:00 you stop for lunch, continue on. Klockan 15:00 or 16:00, stop and (eftemiddags fika). Continue on, and then have a light to medium dinner depending on the amount and time of your last fika. Then you guessed it, Kvälls fika.
"When do they work?" you ask. In between fika of course.
So here we are having fika in this amazing place in Åre. This building houses a green house and a chicken coop. The food is all local and the construction is green built.
More on that later. You know it is time for fika! Hej då.
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